
SilverStripe Module: JSON-LD Structured Data SilverStripe Module: JSON-LD Structured Data

SilverStripe Module: JSON-LD Structured Data

SilverStripe Module: JSON-LD Structured Data

A SilverStripe module for exposing related page information as JSON-LD structured data. This extension enables developers to conveniently expose metadata that is detectable and interpretable by Google or Bing, when a website is crawled and indexed. Typically the exposed JSON-LD metadata alters how search results appear for a website in Google search results.

Currently this module is installable as a composer package from the Packagist repository index.

composer require loveduckie/silverstripe-json-ld-structured-data

Read the documentation available on the GitHub repository about how it can be configured and used as part of your own SilverStripe project.

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